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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I'm One More Commercial Away From Buying This Fuckin Shit

I don't know if its a sign im getting old but I'm about one more commercial away from buying this flex seal shit. I was on the fence for a while but every time I see Phil Swift hop in the fuckin boat a little voice inside my head says, "dude, you should buy that." Now I've been resisting the urge for a few weeks but there's only so much temptation a guy can take. I even began to make up new uses in my head...

"Got a puncture hole in your Dunkin Donuts Styrofoam cup?! No problem, just apply a little flex seal and your caffeine addiction is free to commence."

That shit ever happen to anyone? Nothin worse than getting a cup of Dunkins only to puncture your cup with a finger cause you have too many things in your hand trying to get in and out of your car. Shit happens to me at least twice a year. Then like a psycho you are sucking the side of the cup similar to shot-gunning a beer. Looks real cool when you sit in traffic on 128 and people are staring at you as you suck face with the side of a cup.