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Monday, May 21, 2012

VIDEO: Parents Put Their Kid in Washing Machine. It Turns on Automatically and He Gets the Shit Washed Out of Him

Case in point why not everyone should be allowed to have kids. Like just a quick survey from the US Goverment would have found out this dad was not fit.

Question 37: If you child wants to go inside a washing machine do you think it's a good idea to put him in and turn it on? 

 Answer: Yes 


Sorry no kids for you my man. Keep on studying and maybe you will pass the test next year and be able to keep one of your mistake babies. For now we don't want parents that try to simultaneously drown and concuss thier kids by putting them inside a washing machine.

My favorite part is at the 56 second mark when they guy in the red hat watches the kid roll around for a few seconds by himself and then waves his hand as to say "ah fuck it" and walks away. Way to step up there buddy. What a fuckin cocksucker huh? I know you prob cant do anything at this point but at least humor me by trying to pull on the door handle while junior is on spin cycle. This asshole in the red hat is sneakily the worst person in this video.