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Friday, June 24, 2011

Website Lists 1000 Things That are "Awesome." The List Sucked So I Made My Own

So for a 1000 days in a row this website posts 1 thing a day people consider to be “awesome.” Not a bad concept but whoever types this list is dropping the ball. I bailed after reading through 200. This list sucks. Here are some highlights.

#997 Locking people out of the car and pretending to drive away
Real cool dude, Grow the fuck up

#993 Fat baseball players
Ya, I love watching fat lazy fucks that make more money In one day than I will make in my entire life.

#943 Using Q-Tips the way you’re not supposed to use them
I don’t know where you shove em. mine only go in my ear

#939 Hot cream and a straight razor on your neck at the barber shop
What is this 1965?

#896 That feeling you get right after you just vomited
What the heartbeat headache and the raw sushi you ate 3 hours earlier staring at you right in the face in the toilet bowl? Ya, good times.

#886 High fiving babies
Actually I love that shit. This one can stay

#849 The fetal position
The fetal position?  WTF?

Ok this list fuckin blows, I cant read anymore. I decided to come up with my own. In no particular order, my top 20 list of things that are "awesome."

1.) Hot Moms in yoga Pants
2.) Cutting People off at Cape Cod Rotaries
3.) Running through the streets of Boston after winning a Championship
4.) Crop dusting a room right before you leave
5.) BJ’s (not the store)
6.) Thanksgiving Special from Mansfield Deli
7.) When its snows during a Patriots game
8.) Hitting the last Cup in a game of Beer Pong
9.) Tim Thomas's Mustache
10.) When In the air tonight comes on the radio while driving around on a summer night and you play the air drumbs at the part you fuckin know im talking about.
11.) Being 29 and Not having any Kids or a wife
12.) A Great One Regular from Dunkin' Donuts
13.) Open Bar at Weddings
14.) Monte Cristo from Jimmy's Pub
15.) Watching uncoordinated fucks drive mopeds on Martha's Vineyard
16.) Creeping Pictures of hot chicks on Facebook
17.) Being able to hit the ignore button on your cell phone
18.) Not pulling the last sheet off the paper towel roll so you don't have to change it.
19.) Finding a random Boston Herald in the Bathroom stall at work when you need to drop a deuce
20.) Breadsticks at Olive Garden

Yup. This list basically says Im a huge womanizing Masshole that wont grow up, who loves beer, women, dunkin donuts and sports. And in that case this list would be right.

Ps. I would kill for a Dunkin Donuts on Martha's Vineyard. I think I'm starting to have withdrawals.

Feel free to add your own fucked up "Awesome" list in the comment section.