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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Come Down To Martha's Vineyard This Summer and Party Your Ass Off With Me

So living in New Jersey for over a year fucked me up so bad that I could only spend one week back home in Mansfield before I lost my mind.  Everyones having babies and getting married so I decided to peace out that bitch and spend the summer on the Vineyard. This isn't my first rodeo doing this so I sent things up pretty quickly.  I lived here in 2007 and have been trying to get back ever since.

I'm always amazed at how many people that live in MA have never been here. It's like the Vineyard doesn't even exist to some people.  I don't fuckin get it.  Place is like fantasy island. People boating, beaching, drinking, eating and just dominating the fuck out of their vacations. Once you get here you will never want to leave.  It's like being in a different world even though you are still technically in MA.

So this blog is dedicated to all you odd Massholes that have never been here before and my NJ peeps that want to get out of the dirty dirty.  I will be here all summer.  Hit me up on facebook or call me and I will explain to you how to get here.  Don't let having to take a ferry intimidate you.  It's really easy. I know cheap places to stay that don't even have websites so they often have rooms last minute if you want to make a weekend trip.

To all you peeps already planning on coming here, contact me if you want to crush budlights and go bar hopping. I'm always down.  Not to mention my ass is driving a taxi for work so my job is to pick muthafuckers like you up and drive em around.  I will also be doing tours of the island so I can feel like I used my useless communications degree.

Again. Don't hesitate to contact me if you want to come here.  Always open to helping out and it's nice to see familiar people on island throughout the summer.


Ps. I can't start working till next Tuesday. If your looking to head here this Memorial day weekend let me know. I will be drinking and beaching from now till Tuesday. Feel free to join in.  #fakelife

FYI. Don't fall into the trap of renting a moped over here.  It's a bad Idea and makes you look like and epic douche-bag.