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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Supposedly The New Twilight Movie Is Causing People To Have Seizures In The Movie Theater. Huh?
During a screening last weekend of “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn -- Part 1” at Showcase Cinema de Lux Legacy Place, theater workers had to stop the film about 10 minutes before it was over to help an ailing moviegoer in the back of the theater. The audience waited patiently with the house lights up while the person in Lux seating was checked out by EMTs. After about 20 minutes, the disoriented ticket holder was walked slowly out of the theater so that the rest of the Twi-hards could go back to a bloodied Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. We didn’t know what was happening at the time but perhaps now there’s an answer. The Hollywood Reporter and ABC News put out stories today explaining that a smattering of people across the country have reportedly had seizures during the end of “Breaking Dawn,” specifically during the birth scene (sorry -- spoiler), which involves flashes of red, black, and white. Showcase Cinemas reps were not available for comment. We plan to return for another screening of “Breaking Dawn” this weekend, you know, just to see if anyone else needs to be escorted out of the theater.

What bunch of pussises. What, you cant survive a scene where a chick has a fuckin baby? Grow up. I'm sure vampire pussy probably looks a little too pasty white but gimme a break with this seizure shit. You know how bad I wanted to cry and scream like a little bitch during the boat scene in Willy Wonka? You talk about siezures? The only way grown men could get through this sence was to be trippin sack off mushrooms. Too bad I was only 5 and I had to resort to snorting pixy stixs. Spare me with the "I cant handle the birth scene" in some vampire movie.

Hands down this is the most fucked up memory from my childhood. That and the first time I was introduced to Sloth.
