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Friday, February 11, 2011

Twenty something on the Vineyard? What to do all winter?

-Martha's Vineyard Times
If you are in your 20s, living full-time on Martha's Vineyard, as opposed to, say, Boston, Brooklyn, LA, or abroad, chances are you've been asked, "What do you do all winter?" Or — slightly more intrusively, but more to the point — maybe the question is "Why?"
There are, after all, no nightclubs (though many would love to see Nectar's open year-round), no bowling alleys (there should be), and in general not a whole lot to do that doesn't require a bit of self-motivation.
As for those pesky questions, I tracked down some answers. Twenty-somethings on Martha's Vineyard are working, teaching, building, surfing (yes, even now), playing pond hockey, searching for arrowheads, scouting the thrift stores, reading, writing, studying, meditating, traveling, hiking, and dancing their way through winter.
Some named unsteady work as the most difficult part of residing here year-round, while time to unwind was  the biggest reported perk.
Dark, cozy establishments like The Newes, Park Corner, and Offshore Ale are a few winter favorites. Dining out has a lot of appeal this time of year too, with restaurants offering specials and deals as incentive to get out of the house.

Wait, what?  Searching for Arrowheads?  What is this 1620?  Did the fuckin Pilgrims just land? Who gives a fuck about not having any night clubs or bowling alley when you can search the Gay Head Cliffs for fuckin arrowheads.  Nothing like hitting up Mocha Motts for a coffee on a Saturday morning hopping on a moped with your best bro and hunting for ancient Indian artifacts.

Here's an Idea. How bout you treat winter like every other 20 something Masshole does.  You crush beers and watch fuckin sports on your 52 Inch HD TV.  Boom, Done!

Fuckin Arrowheads...