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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

19 Year-Old Douche-bag From BC Documents Quest to Quit Facebook

My name is Ryan, I’m a 19-year-old sophomore at Boston College, and I am embarking on a pretty radical path: I am giving up Facebook.
I, like many of you, am completely immersed in the Facebook phenomenon and the lifestyle that comes with it. Facebook is my homepage, I have it on my phone, and I end up spending a few hours browsing through my News Feed and seeing what “friends” are up to every day.
Ever since I started using Facebook, I’ve asked myself a lot of trivial questions about my social activities and have spent way too much time thinking about my digital appearance.
Do I really want to put my relationship status for the world to see?
Do you think my roommate will be mad if I crop him out of my profile picture?
Should I end my “happy birthday” to a friend with a “:)”, a “!”, or nothing at all?
Eventually, it all just became too much. Instead of doing homework last night, I found myself filling out my brother’s friend’s cousin’s Fast Money on Family Feud. I needed a change.
So this morning, I deactivated my account. It’s gone.
Well, not really. My account is still floating in cyberspace awaiting my return. But I’m officially done. As I thought about it, I realized this experiment is about something much bigger than me. It’s about my generation and the world we all live in today. Can one live without Facebook?
Amazingly, not many of my friends can answer that question – they wouldn’t know. I know this won’t be easy, so this blog is now my outlet. No therapy, no patches, no Facebook. Cold turkey. 
I'll be adding posts to let you know how I'm doing over the next few days, or maybe more...if I make it that far. Let’s see if I’m strong enough.

Fuck off Ryan.  No wonder why you want to quit Facebook.  You treat it like its your nagging wife.  You need to calm down with this shit bro. "Do you think my roommate will be mad if I crop him out of my profile?"  Who gives a fuck.  "Should I end my happy birthday with a smiley face?"  Ditto.  As a guy you should be on Facebook for one reason and one reason only.  That reason is to creep on chicks.  Everything else on facebook is irrelevant. If one of my friends has a birthday I don't post some shit to their wall saying Happy B-day Suzzie!  I either call them, send them a text or do nothing cause deep down I really dont give a shit about them.  I feel no obligation to send a happy b-day wall post to someone I would try to ignore if I saw them walking down the isle at Stop and Shop.  "Do I really want to put my relationship status up for the world to see?"  Ryan buddy, do I really need to answer this?  You hide that shit if your are in a relationship and you promote the hell out of that if you are single.  Don't let women fool you. They creep on Facebook just  as much as dudes do if not more.  If a guys status says he is "single" it pretty much means he is DTF.  So ya, you def want chicks to know that.

Ryan, you don't need to quit facebook. You need a facebook coach.   Let me take you under my wing and guide the way.  "The internet is an addiction yes. But it can be your greatest tool if you harness it in the right way. " -Some shit Mr. Miyagy would've said if he had a role in The Social Network

 "Guess what there mommy, nobody gives a shit."