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Friday, March 25, 2011

You Can Get Fined for Being Too Drunk in Mansfield?

Sun Chronicle - Binge drinkers beware.

The fines for public drunkenness recently adopted by residents in Foxboro appear to be gaining popularity, and could soon be spreading south. Mansfield officials said Wednesday an article "nearly identical" to the Foxboro measure - which slaps a $200 ticket on anyone taken into protective custody for drunkenness - will come before selectmen this month for a spot on the annual town meeting warrant. If selectmen endorse the fines and town meeting voters approve them, Mansfield would become 
the second community in the state to charge people for getting tanked in public.

Binge drinkers beware? Get the fuck outta here with this shit.  People work hard all week.  They drag themselves to their miserable jobs to make crap pay.  The only thing that keeps them alive during the summer is dreaming of that concert at Comcast Center Great Woods.  So what if Tom from accounting wants to drink himself into a coma in the parking lot? He worked hard all week, he earned it. As long as he's not groping chicks or driving home drunk than let him guzzle beers till he borderline blacks out.  Is there really a point of tailgating if you don't have the option of getting sloppy drunk?

Whether this law passes or not you can still count on me being shitfaced at Jimmy Buffett with hordes of Mansfield Townies. Beware of that bitches.